Milium is a place of order. Everything that's happening from the top of our head to the sole of our feet has their own law. That's right, this is not a general rule made using ink and paper, this law, enforced by fist and guns. I will give you an example by showing how an average law abiding citizen of Milium dresses.

If you are a man, you are expected by the community and government to obey the stringent and perfect law on appearing in public. Your mustache must not be longer than the width of your lips. The hairstyle chosen must also be sanctioned by the government, not through your own discretion and imperfect choices. The clothes worn must also reflect the government mood at the time. In war time a man must use dark and clean clothes. In summer everyone must look happy and dress neatly. In the case of a death of an important member of the government, everyone must pay their respect, or they shall be their escort to the after life very soon.

That description of course is just a taste of what law truly means to us. To have a better understanding of the law, we must understand the reason it exist and the effect of it existing. Laws are what made human different from animals. We are wild by nature, but nature is to be fought, and we fight by placing restriction on ourselves. Not to make our lives harder, but to make others easier.

The effect of it existing is to bring order. Order by any means is great, but if it was based on control then it would be greater. Because then the will of the government, therefore the people, could be achieved as efficiently and effectively as possible.

To prevent unnecessary conflict and troublesome politics that would slow down the progress of our nation, we must segregate the people into two halves. The first half is the citizen. They are civil by nature and must obey the law that's handed upon them. A perfect citizen is like a machine, because we simply have no need for something less efficient. They may have their own need to survive, but living is out of the question when the will of the government isn't fully realized.

The other half is of course the government. They are smart men with high amount of validity compared to the citizens. These kinds will flock together and live together, creating a perfect harmonious group that would bring glory to their country. They did it by creating, updating, and enforcing laws. Every single word that a government official uttered should always be received by the citizen with a smile, for we will not bring catastrophe to them.

The will of the government of course is to create a better future and living condition for all that's taking shades below the flag of our country. Some of the will of the government already do exist to a certain collection of people. What better people to taste the victory first, other than the government themselves?

We are the protector. Messiah of the lost lamb. The light in the long tunnel of darkness.

We work tirelessly day and night. Looking at data coming from all sides of Milium to study and act upon. Poverty, hunger, and conflict is no longer a thriving problem. It's all but a distant past to us, because we demand that it will not ever happen again. Therefore, the people must obey the law for it will bring us only goodness and bright future. I mean look at the effect of this ideology on the government. Now imagine if that happens to the citizen too. It will happen sometime, sooner or later. But in the meantime, respecting the government and working tirelessly for this selfless goal must be done by the citizen, if we were ever wants to make a progress.

I would consider myself lucky and honored, that I was born into a loving family of 4 that's inside the society of law enforcers. We are tough and revered by people, even if they don't really want to. My father was in the military and became one of the first police man of his time. After the war ended with The Republic, we entered a somewhat of a down time without a lot of conflict in the country. A police is needed to upheld what's written in the book of law, and not one finer choice beside my father to do it. He punished and clean the street out of bad and impoverished people that made the town dirty. The amount of men and woman being straighten up by him would go into the thousands, and that's just on the public record.

I took after him and became a police myself. Although most of the time I'm now acting not as a man behind the gun, but behind the pen. Paperwork and meetings sure did a number on my mental health, but nothing is above the true goal. The will of the government. After all, I did taste a lot of the fruit that they planted.

I have my own house, a wife, soon to be children, and wealth to boast. This is the life that a citizen would eventually all have, if they are working hard enough to achieve it.

Speaking of working hard, right now I'm working on something quite particular. It's an official letter and request of disposal. Not of regular garbage mind you, but a dangerous one. The one that's so toxic that it would taint everyone near it. I'm of course speaking about Journalist. Most importantly, journalist that are creating and sharing illegal news, which could affect the performance of the people at obeying the law. After all, who would be able to fulfill those much needed jobs if everyone is parading through the streets protesting the only thing that kept them safe and in-check? It's rhetorical so don't think too much about it.

The name of the journalist on the paper in front of me doesn't matter. What matters is the heinous crime they did and the organization that they represent. For example, this lady is the leader of an unnamed newspaper that they distribute using waste material from the government garbage bin. We will be sure to burn the rest of our unused paper when we throw it out next time.

The only thing I need to do right now is to read the whole thing end to end, then add my own mark of approval so these people could be processed. The process itself could be divided into two parts. The first part is called extraction. We use every single knowledge we have about the human bodies and exploit them to extract any relevant information that is needed. The second part is called repurposing. This is the part where the government would determine what to do with the garbage.

The name of these journalists are to represent those who have gone through the first part. Not a lot of information could be extracted from them though, based on the report given to me this morning. I suppose we need to repurpose them into a program that we called transparency. This is a government program that will show the rest of the public that we are doing our job in the best manner possible. That we are always doing our best to represent the truth, and only the truth.

To start the government program, I need to ring a bell that's sitting on my desk. A ringtone could be heard outside of my work office, and not five second after that a person comes in wearing military clothes, posing in as straight and proper as he can. I start the conversation by handing him over the document I just marked before.

But before we do that, let me introduce myself. My name is Senior Officer Sukkot, a white collared worker that's under the department of policing and general civilian protection. Right now my job is to give the public guidance through the governmental program which is transparency.

S.O. Sukkot

I have not seen you before, boy. Tell me your name and designation.


My name is Private Hoshano, grade 2 government officer, sir!

S.O. Sukkot

So you're the new bell boy huh?

I've heard of your arrival a day ago from the official letter, but it's our first time meeting each other it seems. Have you gotten any assignment from your parents?

Bell Boy


S.O. Sukkot

Are you deaf new bell boy? I'm asking you whether you have received any order from the higher ups since you set foot on my building.

Bell Boy

No sir, I have not.

S.O. Sukkot

Good, then you are as white as they get.

I have to tell you, this man is as white as the paper that I'm using. Unsullied, pure, and inexperienced poor private. The first assignment that I'm giving him will be quite a memorable one. The paper is now on his hands.

S.O. Sukkot

Give those documents to a the office of enforcement. Today you must accompany the journey of those documents until its archival. It should only take a day for that to happen, so do not fuck anything up.

Bell Boy

Sir yes, sir!

As he left my office, there's this wind of loneliness that starts to seep through the gap in my window. It's made out of glass, a large single piece that stretch from one end of the room to another. Because of the property of the glass, no one could see what's inside my room, yet I can see them clear as day. The only thing to do right now is to wait for the transparency program to be enacted.

Thirty minutes have passed and as I look outside, group of people gathered in the parking lot of our building. It's quite spacious so a lot of people could gather around and have an assembly. These people are as ordinary as they get. But the difference today, is almost all of them are children. Little civilian that will be the cog in this massive machine that will attain greatness. They must have no idea what they are about to witness.

In front of these children are the front office of our building. A big double doors opens right in their face, announcing the arrival of the officers and two garbage in a handcuff. They are the main attraction of this program after all, so we made sure that they dress at least appropriately for this occasion. I can see their anger and sadness penetrating through my glass window. One of the officer, my friend in battle, Senior Officer Shav is leading the assembly.

S.O. Shav

Good afternoon young civilians. My name is Senior Officer Shav, and welcome to your first showing of the transparency program. Today we are going to highlight the achievement of the government that have made a better life for all of us.

But first, before we move on to the next segment, we must announce the two garbage that we have here in handcuffs. Both of them are journalist from an illegal newspaper black company, that have made a lot of troubling and fake news about our government.

We of course have processed them and determined that they are to be transparently executed in front of the public, to make sure the civilians know how hard we are at working for them. Private Hoshano, bring them up to the podium please.

Both of the garbage is brought forcefully up there for all to witness. From up here, I can see Shav readying her pistol. She pull the gun out of its holster and then inspecting the bullet inside. After it's known that the magazine is filled, she put it back into the pistol and then cock it once. After that, it's all depends on her aim and twenty baby of forces.

S.O. Shav

Any last words, garbage?

Female Journalist



The sound of gunfire shakes the heart and minds of children that's present there. Some of them screams and most of them stares with a blank eye. They are not able to comprehend the concept of death yet, so this must be a new experience for them. The first garbage is limping to the ground, losing all the strength it has on its legs. A pool of red liquid covers the podium in just seconds. The second garbage that stands beside the first one is sprayed with blood of its own comrades.

S.O. Shav

As you can see, a garbage like her doesn't deserve th-

Male Journalist




S.O. Shav

As I was saying, a garbage like them doesn't deserve the privilege of a good and civil death. There will be no mercy, no last words, no last meal, no burial, and certainly no visits from his families. They are the bane of our society and must be eradicated as soon as possible. Follow the law into its letter, and none of us will experience any bad situation in the future. This is the law.

Say it with me!


This is the law!

S.O. Shav

This is the law.

After that event is over, the bodies of those garbage will be dragged and tossed into the edge of the island, falling freely for eternity. The abyss is such a good concept, because it represent infinity. An infinity of goodwill of the government, towards its citizen.

As seen from here, all of the children rushes inside of the front office to get a tour of the administration that took place in this country. I have said this before, but they truly look as white as a paper. After the last one got in, I sat down to process more paperwork that's sitting on my desk. There's at least a thousand name that I must go through, just to end the day. Even a government officer still thinks of deadline.


Honey I'm hoome!

Silence, I couldn't hear a thing. The house that I live in is quite large and yet I can't hear a whisper of anyone here. My maids that's welcoming me stood still in front of a door. It's large, made out of wood and carved with intricate pattern. She opens the door from outside, hinting at me that someone is waiting inside.

Once I'm inside, the maid nods at me with respect and closes the door. In front of me is a woman with an inflated belly and sour face. She's looking down at her own feet, with her head resting on a large fluffy pillow. I asked her how she's doing.


Honey, how are you doing? What made your smile upside down today?

She didn't even look at me. I don't really know what's going on inside her head, but I could make assumptions. Based on the way she breathes, I think she's afraid of me. The reason why she's like that is unknown to me, since a while ago. Honestly, I would rather for her to be angry and furious instead of whatever the hell she's doing right now. I suppose the right word that would describe it is, sulking.


Will you also kill our unborn child, lest he goes against our country?


Baby, why would you say something so horrid as soon as I get home? I've been quite tired after working for so long you know. I would expect you to be happy that I'm still here.


I saw it on the tv you know. Everyone saw it on the tv. Including all of our maids. They are all terrified by how cruel this country have become since your party took office a hundred years ago. Killing journalist, people that are innoce-


But they are not innocent, aren't they? They broke the law. A set of incredibly perfect sets of rules, written by the brightest mind of our country. They are meant to be restrictive and inclusive towards all aspect of our life. Including spreading information. Especially, about spreading information.

They are publishing a lot of bad press towards the government darling. You can't just let me sit still while the great will of the people is being smashed into the ground with pejorative articles and inaccurate analogies. Of course we must straightened them up, one way or the other.


I'm sure the best way to do that is to kill them in cold blood, in front of children no older than 10 years old.


That is right! I knew you will get this someday. The government is right on this one, we need to teach them when they are still white!

My wife's face is looking bleaker as I speak my mind. It seems I'm stepping on a land mine that I don't even know. Maybe it's the fact that I authorize those kills, but I doubt it. After all, it's in my job description since a long time ago, there's no way she would be angry at that now.


Come on, our parents married us to each other because they want the best for their children. Look, we might even have one of our own right here.

I caress her pregnant body to show how much it means to me. Maryam didn't budge a single atom even when I did that. I could see pain in her eyes, without knowing the cause of it. Maybe tonight is truly the time for another checkup, see if there's anything wrong with her.


It seems that you are a bit down and sick. Let's go to the nearest hospital and let them check you up. We could also get your favorite food on the way home. Let's go.


I... rather...


I'm sorry, didn't quite catch that.


I would rather... DIE.


No you will not die. Not without my permission. Now get to the car and please let me bring you to the hospital.


You are a sad man, Sukkot. Know damn well that nothing in this world goes unpunished.


Should have told that to those garbage we disposed of this afternoon. Now get ready and be so kind to let the maid dress you up first.


I will not. Not as long as you still approve of those name being sent towards their dea-



N O W!

I walk out past her and slammed the door behind me. After taking a deep breath or two, I get myself ready with new clothes and get inside of the car. All of that took about half an hour and I could already see Maryam sitting in the back with her hands placed neatly on her lap. Another one of my maid opens the door and have prepared my seat in the car. It's warm and clean, just how I like it.

I turn myself to Maryam and brush aside a tear that's rolling down her cheek.


I won't ever let anything in this world hurt you, and you know that. I'm sorry for the harsh words, but nothing is above the government in this world. So, the law is an absolute thing and we must all protect it against those who wants to overthrow it.


Just go and leave me alone.


Okay, I'm sure this is a bad day for you.

Driver, take us to the nearest hospital. Now.


Sir, yes sir.

Our car rolls down towards our destination, following the interconnected roadways that was paved since a hundred years ago. Our party made this place a livable one, with all of the money invested into cleaning up the neighborhood and placing important facilities all over the place. There's no congestion, a need for stop signals, and yet it goes all smoothly without accidents. Of course, the fact that this car is marked by the government to have priorities on the road does help a lot. Going against us as a priority is also punishable in the court of law. Especially if you are just a regular citizen. As it should be.

Maryam seems to like the scenery outside of her window. Kids running around playing and adults enjoying their time, taking shades from rain. We are at night, so the glint of streetlights is most beautiful right now, especially with all the water drip that disperse the light as it cast through the window. Such a happy atmosphere, which happens after a big stupid argument.


Hey Maryam, what do you think we should name our kids?


I have no comment. This is your child and you are the head of the family. I think you should be the one that named it.


Don't be like that. Also, stop calling the fruit of our love "it" please. You know, babies could hear even when they're still in-


I could feel a shock wave traveling through my spine, pushing my self against the roof of the car. My mind went into a state of adrenaline as our car turns and tumble out of the road and into something nearby. A strike of blood is squirting out of my head, rendering my right eye useless. As we are flying through the air, I instinctively tries to grab Maryam's hand to keep her close to me. I failed to do so and felt her presence going away from me, physically speaking.

The car fell into a rest on its side, bringing me into an awkward position where the only way to go out is through the rear window. Right now I'm lying down on my back, forced by the placement of the car's interior. I haven't felt the pain yet, but I can definitely taste iron on my lips and tongue. This means I don't have long before I'm unable to safe myself from the shock of getting tossed by a supposed explosive. I don't have time to think about who did it for now, all I need is to survive.

I repeatedly kick the rear window with all my might without any significant result. It cracks sure, but nothing major enough for me to crawl through. Then not long after that, I can see a pair of legs coming near me. It seems they are trying to help me out of this situation, so I shout towards them.


Citizens! Help me out of this car, please! I am in grave danger and need your assistance!

They don't give a response, but they do try to crack the window to help me. With what felt like a blunt object, bits by bits, that rear window is shattered into pieces. Giving me enough wiggle room to get outside. But before I could do anything, they forcefully grab my feet and drag me outside, through the pieces of glass that's on the ground.

I can feel my strength leaving me for good. It is painful, even with the adrenaline suppressing it. I can see two person that's standing near my head. An old man with blue denim overalls over a white shirt and a hat. The other one is a young boy, no older than 10 also in his blue denim overalls but this time, without a hat.

Old Man

Search for weapon on his body boy, let's finish this.

Young Boy

Got it grandpa, but what about that pregnant woman?

Old Man

Search for it first and then let me do the rest.

This young boy touched all over my body, searching for something. I can't move my entire body, not a bit. I guess this is how I die, killed by my the people that I'm supposed to protect and serve.

Young Boy

I found it Grandpa! It's in his left pocket, a small pistol!

Old Man

This... This is no small pistol my boy. We have been searching for a man with this kinds of weapon since long thirty years ago. I can not believe it.

This my boy, is a weapon of destruction. Not to protect, not to kill, but murder.

You! Senior Officer Suck Cod! Look at me when I am talking you mad man!

He grabs the collar of my shirt and drag me bit by bit. After sometime, he stops and made me look of what's in front of me. My woman, Maryam looking like a survivor of a blast zone. Blood is spilling everywhere, arms and clothes soaked in red, eyes bloodshot and non-functional, teeth deformed by the force she took when I failed to grab her arm. I think she got thrown out of the side window while we are spinning in the air, launching her into the curb and eventually this tree that she rests upon.

I can feel the gaze of people coming out of their house and establishment just to see me suffer. No one is helping and screaming. Just pure silence, as if I'm inside of my own house. I can see no siren howling, no one seems to notice we are here even with the explosion which I bet kill my ear a bit.

The old man starts to walk towards my wife, while cocking the pistol on his hand. When he's near enough, I can hear him say a word or two. He speaks in a loud and angry manner, as if I'm a villain in his story book of coming-of-age heroes. He put the barrel of the gun directly on Maryam's head. She doesn't seem to mind, breathing out a heavily in the mean time.

Old Man



Old Man



Old Man



Old Man

And lastly, for the people of this country.


He misses the shot, grazing my right eye. I can feel some sort of pain around that area, as if it pops out of it socket. I don't know how to describe it besides the word, weird.

I could feel the tears coming down my left eye, or what's left of it. I could only look at the lifeless body which used to be my wife. I can't think of anything but the word that she said back in the house. Is this what punishment suppose to look like?

After that, the last thing I see before passing out is the old man collapsing into the ground, and an echoing sound calling unto my name. His voice felt familiar, it might be the bell boy. I won't count on it though. For now, just let me sleep and hope that all of this is but a dream.

My head hurts. A lot more than usual. These eyes is sure to not open as easily as well as I would like it to. The air around here feels cold and sterile. Looks like I'm resting on top of a mattress with a reclining head rest. This definitely is hospital, no matter whichever it might be.

Someone that I presume to be the doctor taps around my right knee. Testing whether I still have some action in my nerves. A lightning of some sort perhaps. It tickles and the leg suddenly moves once it's struck with a blunt object. Feels like a little hammer, probably.


You done playing with my body doctor? Just so you know, I'm still alive.


That's a good news for me.


It's also a good news for me too, you know.


Sure, it might be. If you can open your eyes please do so. At least, try to use any of them that's still attached to your brain.


That's one way to break out the news, Doc. I can open my left eye a little bit. You're a handsome man Doc. Didn't know you could dress up like my boss.


The doctor is on your right Senior Officer Sukkot. Standing in front of you is your so called, "boss". Doctor, we might need a moment to ourselves. You are relieved of duty.


Right away, Commander Shepherd.

Through my half opened eye, I can see the male doctor leaving us behind. Shutting the doors on his way out, while peering inside a little as he walks to the next room. Now, nothing will be disturbing our conversation, whatever it will be. Probably about the condition of my family, which I predict to be in dire need of help.

Commander Shepherd

You heard my name, Senior Officer Sukkot. I reckoned that this is the first time we have ever spoke to each other. Unfortunately, your circumstances right now is nothing but horrid. Let us start with the elephant in the room.

Senior Officer, you had fallen asleep for thirty days since the ambush. Information coming from our counter intelligence suggest that you're a high value target in the eyes of the rebellion. Valued enough to a point where they are willing to part ways with an old man and his grandson just to kill you. They of course failed their mission, but it does cost you.

Firstly, our medical professionals determined that your right eye is not functional anymore. The old man that ambushed you missed the shot, failing to do any lethal damage. One of his shots though, are close enough to your cheekbone that the fracture of your skull acts as a projectile, destroying your right eye completely.

Secondly, because of your disability, right now you're determined to be unfit for your duty and shall be expunged from any and all records that ties you to the government. This decision is of course not final and we will discuss it further in just a moment.


Dear Commander, what do you mean by "expunged"?

Commander Shepherd

You might have known this before, but we do not recruit and retain any weak personnel among our ranks, Mister Sukkot. Your name, credentials, government leased houses, and even your maids is not yours effective immediately. The moment that you are not useful to the government anymore, is the moment you should reconsider yourself as a citizens.

But as I have said before, this decision can be negotiated.


What about my family? They are in the car with me. I don't remember much about what happened after we crash except for someone to shoot my wife. Please tell me that it isn't true.

Commander Shepherd

Your wife is dead. Shot several times through the head with your own gun. Right now she's lying down in the morgue with a doctor that's examining her condition.

My stomach churn left and right with my face unable to give in to my command. I want to stay calm, collected, and absolutely expressionless. I must not look weak in front of an official, not even for a second. I have done it before, simply by showing that I'm able to be attacked by two civilians having nothing but a bomb on the right spot.

Commander Shepherd

But there is one thing that we found in her body that might prove useful to know. A baby, unborn, and unknowingly living inside of a medical container that we made just for this kinds of situation. But, It does costs us quite a fortune to save your child.

Imagine this, a technology enough to save a fetus out of a mother's womb and let it develops into a full grown person. I could only imagine the manpower, electricity, and medicine needed to maintain such an intricate process. With the money that you have right now and your assets liquidated, it's still not enough to maintain it for a significant amount of time.

The tone of his voice. The structure of the speech. This very specific situation. I could see it from far away, the thing that Commander Shepherd is doing. It must be a sales pitch for a favor. I have gone through this one before, that's exactly how I got this rank and job after all.

Commander Shepherd

From the look of your face, I feel like we are finally at the same page. Heed my words, the need of your unborn child shall be burdened by the tax of the civilians of Milium. I will await for your recovery. In the meantime, prepare yourself for something that might be a little dirtier than your usual desk job.

Good Day, Sukkot.

I haven't even say that I agree to his terms. He just left and went outside of my room, as if the death of my wife, my baby, and the hospital bills are just a token that they can use to manipulate me. I hate to admit it, this sounds quite hypocritical, but everything that have happened to this second, is standard procedure. I might not know the entire detail because almost all of them are only reserved for the eyes of the commanders, but I get the gist of it. "Do a favor for the people of Milium. Then we will save your child.", is probably what they are thinking right now.

What have I gotten myself into...