Almost all of the software that I use for day to day use are exclusively open source. This is based on my believe that most things in live should have a price on it, except for knowledge and ideas. The future of mankind shall benefit from the work of those that came before it. For the minority that does everything in their power to stop propagating the goodness in people, should be punished either by god, or by the hands of men. This is my list.

Operating System

As of right now I'm quite comfortable with operating system that derives from Linux, particularly NixOS. NixOS is an operating system that configures itself based on the recipe made by its user. If the recipe changes, the system will change. If the recipe stays the same, then no matter how many times the user decides to make a fresh install, the OS will be configured the same as before. Of course there are asterisk attached to it, but by and large, its true.

Web Browser

Brave is my current champion for the web browser war. The way it synchronizes itself with my other devices is truly a god sent and the fact that it's backed by an open source community should be applauded. Firefox or Degoogled Chrome is my next go-to if for some reason this browser decided to break itself (not that it has ever happened).

Text Editor

VSCodium, an open source fork of Visual Studio Code is a godsent and the fact that most open source community tend to install this version speaks for how much we will go through to not touch the unbearable way some companies tend to treat its product. For those of you who also wants some of the cool features in the proprietary Visual Studio Code, there's an effort to bring an open source alternative to them all such as this open source way of attaching to a remote file system via ssh.

Note Taking

CherryTree is one of the most robust and sturdiest note taking software. It has an option to add audio, images, links, differing letter sizes, encryption, local saves, and much more. Also, everytime you save a document, the program will actually create at least some copies, to make sure your document is recoverable in the case of errors while using the program.

Novel Writing

I use marktext for all of my creative writing needs. Seriously, with a little bit of a tweak, it can be much better than any other writing software out there. You can absolutely lose yourself in zen with this program.

Game Engine

Godot Engine is like what Blender is to the 3D Modelling community. Large amount of feature, tiny-ish size, open source, and backed not by a company, but by a community. It has the option to create games in 3D, 2D, and if you're fancy enough, your own graphics backend!

Version Control Services

The basis of all of my programs are in Git. It might be Gitlab or Github. What matters is that it must be open source and quite good at promoting my project. Gitlab doesn't care about the latter, but hey at least I can mirror my projects to Github!

Preferred Programming Languages

Rust language, is definitely my go to preferred language for all kinds of things. It has a great type system, performance, memory management system, compiler, and community. Better than Java, at the very least. Also, a lot of the things that a programming language need are now a first party software instead of third party, such as documenting your own code.