I remember a time where things are a bit less complicated than normal. I stomped my feet to the ground giddily, butt cheeks on a hard surface of a wooden chair, and a notebook on my right hand. It was a good day. Was, being the actively used word here. I even remember what that creep of a woman said while holding the class "hostage".

Miss Cumberthone

Alright class listen up. Today is the day that I am going to test every single one of you on the magic system. I hope none of you forgot the fact that I've given some exercise and assignment related to this test. First of all, let's start with...

She muttered some kind of a old and very brash version of "Eenie, Meenie, Minie Mo" while pointing at us. Pretty racist in my opinion, but who isn't right? Maybe it was my unlucky day, but somehow her finger landed upon my forehead.

Miss Cumberthone

So, mister L. What's our magic system based upon?

It was a very simple and basic question. A child with an encyclopedia could answer this. But alas, stagefright got the better of me. My blood boils as if I was gulping a liter of adrenaline and I can't seem to remember what I said to her. What I know for sure was that, she's angry, red from ear to ear. I can still recall the feeling of her long nails, pulling my ear to the air. It was painful, embarrassing, and painful. Have I said that it was painful?

Miss Cumberthone

You are not a child anymore mister! How in gods name that you did not know about the basic of magic?! Look at you, you're already an adult! A 12 years old adult with years of experience in magic! I've seen children with less intelligence did a lot more than you!

Oh how I missed that time. I mean, not the part where I got embarrassed to the whole class. But the part where even if you're used to it, magic is still magical, you know. Nowadays it's a part of my work, so it isn't as cool as before.

She then proceed to pick another student to replace my wonky answer, hoping that at least one of us could get it right. Of course, to make the chance of that happening bigger, she chose the best magician in our class. A young girl with silky long hair, stretching to her knees, Kirana.


Yes Ma'am! Our magic system is based upon findings that was made in the year 1802 and formalized in 1999. The primary energy form that we could use to power our magic is called mana. The behavior of the magic is based upon a script we wrote and laid down upon a parchment, floor, or any surfaces that could be flattened. This also include...

With her hands in front, gliding unenthusiastically, she nods in agreement and stops Kirana mid-sentence.

Miss Cumberthone

That's enough Kirana, well done. Text book even. That photographic memory sure does bring massive advantage these days. You can sit down now.

She glides her eyes across the room and picked another one from the pile. This time it was one of my friend, Guillermo. He's a chubby guy, not too big, but enough to be called fat by some skinny people. His hair is cut short, crew-cut like, and he got scars on his cheeks, probably from playing too much outside.

Miss Cumberthone

So, speaking about the basis of magic, how about another easy question, just for you Guillermo. What is mana, how it's produced, and where is it stored when it's being used by magician in their daily life? I'm sure this is going to be an easy one. Even my stillborn child could answer it.

I haven't told you this, but she's quite a dark person. Also, you're correct in assuming that she's directly dissing the fact that she has had a still born child. Anyway, those are not easy question that she had given us. That's also not a single question, but three. God it pains me to remember that I've breathe the same air molecule as Miss Cumberthone.


Based upon my understanding Miss Cumberthone, mana is a form of energy that could only be used for magic. We produce it by harvesting it from unknown entity that attacks us and transfer it to a container. The container is made out of metal or glass and could then be used by magician in their daily life.

He perfectly answered every question and sat down to his seat. Miss Cumberthone smirked while noting something in her book. It's probably a grade book, used to note our performance while in class.

The test continues with other question such as how magic script works and some other boring details. Believe me, it's not as fun as people make it out to be. Magic is only fun as long as you're curious about it. Magic is only cool as long as you're still using it. Magic is only great as long as you're not using it everyday.

It's dead simple. You make some writing on a surface, then put a connection between that writing to your mana container. Maybe you could connect it by some thin tube for it to flow to the script, or just dump it directly on top of it. Your choice. If your script didn't suddenly burst into flames or explode, then you're good to go. I still don't get why we need to go to school to learn about this.

If you want to learn actual cool stuff in magic, school is not the best place to start. I should have applied an apprenticeship to some really experienced magician. Bet I could learn more if I did that. But the thread of life said otherwise, and here I am. The journey to become who I am right now might be hard, yet I don't regret it. I've got my self a house, some money, a stable income, and a lot of luck behind me. Yet I can't seem to get that last bit of joy, though I've tried hard to even define what is.

Was it love? Is it all there is to it? To satisfy that tiny bit that I miss in my life? Maybe I should start to search for a wo-

Authoritative Voice

Agent L! AGENT L!

I snapped back to reality.

Authoritative Voice

Now that I have your attention, are you ready to be interviewed, for one last time? Choose your words carefully my friend. Not because I'll get mad, but because your answers in this interview will be used for your placement in the mission.

I looked upon my notebook on my right hand. It's old, scribbled all over, and near its lifetime. I should've bought another one to be honest with you. Oh shit, the interview.

Agent L

Yes sir. I'm ready.

Author's Note (click me!)

Thank you for reading my short story! This story was made based upon my dream of being a magician. Shame that nowadays, programming is as close to magic as it could get. Also, LLZ means Link Level Zero for those of you that didn't know. It will make sense later. Probably going to do a title drop or something. Welp, until next time!