The muffled roar of the air passing through the contour of the vehicle filled the background noises. No sound of people coughing and children crying, it's just pure bliss. Me and my wife sat besides each other on this train that's going to the place stated on our mission briefings. I could only describes that place as simple as, "the most important patch of dirt in the whole world".

Imagine a distant land, a demilitarized one, where three countries' borders met each other and formed a mutual agreement to not attack each other. On the north side of the border, there's a country called Milium that's heavily focused on weapons and militaristic policies of their people. Not one person here would say out loud that Milium is a country filled with injustice, but we all know damn well that's the case.

On the south west side of the border is the location where my journey began, a country called The Republic. I know, they're not very good at naming things. Maybe it was to honor the simplistic nature of our society at handling things, such as the name before there this republic exists, in which we called The Kingdom. Funnily enough, those who changed our political systems are called Ol' Wise People. They basically created laws and rules about freedom of expression and creation that has been the basis of our industrial revolution and massive technological advancement. I sometimes wonder where they got this idea to put very simplistic name for a very big concepts that everyone must remember. It's as if the author of these terms dislike very elaborate names because they can't be arsed to remember it.

Last but not least, the most docile and ultra defensive country that exists, The Federation of Peace and Freedom. It lies on the south east side of the borders. They are not dangerous by any means, but they sure don't care about the cold war that has been going on for ages between us and Milium. A respectable political choice in my opinion, by not putting yourself in unnecessary conflicts.

The demilitarized area itself is quite big with a lot of empty space filled with grass and wild animals. Most of them are herbivores, harmless creatures, insects, that made up the ecosystem which is self-sufficient, and surprisingly undisturbed by the businesses of men. In the mids of that empty space, lies a complex of buildings that's arranged like a residential area. That is our destination, a place called Joint Mana Extraction Facility, or J-MEF in short.

By the way, from now on, people will call me and my wife by a different name, with a different backstory. The Agency changed me and my wife's name into Lukman Insan and Parmadita Insan, respectively. Have I told you now that I have a wife? Yeah, ME and MY WIFE, going TOGETHER. Take that, me from two days ago. I'm better than you, now that this wife is with me. Felt like that the world can't stop me right now, invincible even.

To fill the time, I starts to tell my wife a story about a distant past. It was about a video game tournament that I attended back in my younger days. I'm on the late part of the story, where everything is hyped up to the max, building into a spectacular end.


... after that attack, Diego doesn't have anywhere to go. The indicator said that he only have a sliver of health, he could die by being successfully attacked once! But that's not the end for our man Diego. He readied himself for what's coming and then, boom! His opponent, a brother from another mother, Dustin, pressed the button to launch his special attack. A continuous, and impossible-to-parry attack that would cement the legacy of Dustin as the champion of that game. But that's not what happened was it? Diego somehow pulled a magic out of his joysticks and parried every single attack that's coming to him. 15 consecutive hits, of frame-perfect parries. Not even one percent of the world's population could do that, let alone in a prestigious match like that one. You know what's more legendary than that? He won the entire series! Also...

A little murmur coming from her mouth reminds me that she's asleep. I guess stories about a legendary tournament is something worth sleeping upon. Such an innocent face, for a person that's working for an espionage agency. Strings of drools is coming from the side of her lips, marking my shoulder with a patch of saliva. Although it's a bit weird to felt another person's mucus on your clothes, I guess I'll let that one slide today.

I mean, look at how calm she looks right now. Defenseless and pretty much trusted me with her survival. How could she sleep so peacefully, knowing we are on a covert mission, is beyond my understanding. Though, I must add that our cover as a newlywed couple is quite air tight, guaranteed by the great men at The Agency. Guess she trusted me and the agency quite a lot.

As time passes, about thirty minute or so, we eventually arrives at our destination. The trains grinds into a halt, with my body being pulled away from my seat. I could see our luggage tosses around the cabinet above us, making an audibly loud bumping noise. Parmadita is awaken by the noise, blinking like a baby straight out of a deep slumber. She looks at me and smiles, still with her string of drools, stretching out of the side of her mouth.


Hello. I'm sorry for sleeping on you. Oh...

She held her a bit higher than before, and notice a patch of wet substance near my shoulder.


I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

I'll get the thing, the thing, what's it called, tissue, yeah!

I held her hand back from reaching the bag and said something that I thought was cool some seconds ago.







I just got married to a woman that I like. Might as well flex it to everyone that we're married now. This wet shoulder shall be a definite proof of how much I love her, and everyone must know that!

We walk away from our seats into the entrance of the demilitarized zone. An officer armed with a sword and long range weapon greets us. Her name is displayed on an all black uniform, complete with tons of pockets around it. It says, "Special Guard: Alicia". Seems like Alicia wants us to get through a gate, along with our luggage.

The gate itself looks just like a regular steel gate that doesn't have an edge. The material on it seems to reflect light as if it's a perfect mirror. As soon as we go through it, a loud beeping noise came from that gate. The beep only happened once though, yet it activates my adrenaline and put me on a full alert mode.

I looked behind me to Alicia, the guard. She smiles at me and follows through the gate with the same beeping noise. My guess was that sound seems to notify the guards that we're okay. Out of curiosity, I asked her what that noise was for.


Miss guard, if I want to ask you something. What does that noise mean? That beeping sound.


Oh that? That means you're clear to be processed into the J-MEF.

Silence follows after that, with our lonely footsteps filling the station as if no one is here but us. I mean let's face it, not a lot of people are interested or even allowed to be here in the first place. The only reason we're here were for work anyway.

After going through several other gates with different colors and beeping noises, at last we're now arriving at a counter near the exit door. The counter looks small and filled with papers and a single air conditioning unit above it. I could see inside of it because there's a huge glass window, with a small gap down on the waist level, big enough for a hand and a standard issue paper to go through. I could also spot a box full of mana container, small enough for several usual use. Probably a welcome gift for tourist. The exit door itself is quite opaque, only letting in the sunlight from its glass window, telling us that it's quite sunny outside.

Alicia went inside of the counter, with us sitting down on some chairs nearby. We could see her activates a switch that eventually made some sort of mechanical noises. She seems to be occupied with an old machine that made tactile noises whenever she moves her finger. I think I know what that is.


Is that, one of those old series of LX Computers? Didn't know they are still in operation these days.

She moves her eyes a bit to look at my face, maybe because I'm questioning her method of working. As she does that, Me and Parmadita could see a clear smirk coming out, as if impressed with my knowledge around technologies.

After several minutes of working with that old computer, she walk up to us and presents us with a piece of paper. I take it from her hand and show it to Parmadita, guessing its probably just a regular administration documents.


You're right, this is an old series of LX Computers. It sure is old, but at least it's working. And in a business where "working" is an absolute must, we will always rely on something like this.

Also, the document that I just gave you is basically your passport around the zone. Don't lose it, because other people might misuse it.

Anyway, please enjoy your stay at the demilitarized zone, I hope you all well.


Thank you. Come on Par, let's go.

I took the luggage and opened the door into a new world. Where people collaborate for the greater good of humanity. To extract mana and distributes it to everyone.