Well ain't today swell. This morning, someone from The Agency just announced we are on a brink of war. Like any other leader of a country I would of course ask the difference between this report, and what he gave me yesterday. This is a daily occurrence, not one person from Milium can sneeze without us knowing about it. Much less if it comes near the border.

But there's a single strand of hair on my back that tells me, today would be different. I can already imagine the amount of diplomatic screw ups which came from what's about to come. Then he hits me with a discovery that even I, a non-military civilian would know. A weapon to surpass all bullets, grenades, and offensive magics as we know it.

Agent C

Mister President, please let me introduce myself. Everyone calls me Agent C, the appointed PIC of the information that you're about to receive. I have taken the precaution to turn off every electronics and magic devices around us to secure our line of communication.

President Dana

First of all, let me welcome you to the Wood Office, Agent C. I presume you are the same person that talked to me in the phone, minutes ago?

Agent C

Yes sir, that would be me.

President Dana

Let me get straight to the point here. That news you just gave me is quite concerning, especially knowing a single wrong diplomatic move is enough to level the whole country.

Agent C

I understand, sir. Yet without any action, leveling the whole country is the least of our problem. The technology that they are in possession of is powerful, to say the least.

President Dana

So the the magic device you're concerned about, it was true?

Agent C

Yes sir.

President Dana

Show me.

He hands me a gun, a regular one that our army uses. A part of their starter pack, if I may. It's small, light, simple, and packs a punch. I've fired this before in the range back when I was young. This is my first time in a while since then, where I've hold one myself. There's a big long suppressor attached to it, one that I have never seen before. It made the gun looks goofy, as if the suppressor has a gun attached to it, not vice-versa.

Agent C

Shoot me, sir.

President Dana

Please Agent, I'm not about to kill one of our best man in the field just for my entertainment.

Agent C

"Best man in the field", is a title of true high honor sir. I'm afraid not many would know me that well, to give me such a high praise.

President Dana

Stop with your politeness and political jargon, it disgusts me.


Loud and clear, even with a suppressor. Not one of my guard steps inside the room, seems like they didn't hear it. It was a loud thud, not an ear piercing scream. A projectile exited my gun in such a high speed, I should not be able to see it. Yet, I can. It's right there, flying in the air spinning and slowing down.

We both stared at a midair, stationary bullet. Agent C gives me a slight smirk, microscopic even. He knows that this displays have thoroughly impressed my curiosity. He is right. But curiosity killed the man, they say. Whatever kinds of technology this is, it will not only affect one man, but a whole world.

Agent C

Now, do you see how much of a threat this technology is?

President Dana


Let's skip the rhetorical here, do you have a way to solve this issue? Should we just burn your tech now and forget this meeting ever happened?

Agent C

That would not be possible sir. Please allow me to use your computer.

He brought his little gadget, flash drive they called it. I've used it a lot once when I was in middle school, only to store homework data and personal images. But this one is different. It looked industrialized, just a hunk of metal with sharp edges, and a universal data port we often use for portable devices.

Once he's in my computer, there's a single file in that flash drive called "curiousfinding.vid". The "vid" of course, is the extension of the video file, commonly used to store video recorded by a phone.

As he presses play, a shaky video from a seemingly

Agent C

Please be mindful of the shirt he's wearing sir. That is the technology that I am wearing right now.

President Dana

You are wearing the same one right now? Tattered and soaked in blood?

Agent C

No sir, this one is still in perfect condition, just got out of the laundry too.

President Dana

I don't get what you're trying to say here. Your video has clearly shown that the magic circuit on that shirt is not-functional anymore.

Agent C

Broken and soaked with blood, yes that is usually enough to render this kinds of tech useless. But this is not just any kinds of tech. They will turn every brick wall and pick every strand of that shirt until they are able to reproduce the effect.

President Dana

So this is it then?

Agent C

I'm afraid so sir, we must announce this situation to the public.

President Dana

Will you be here when I do it?

Agent C

I think that would be the job of our public relation department sir. All you need to do is to execute code purple and an announcement should be blasted to every media outlet in this country. Please, carefully consider your action in the next 24 hours sir. Every second of what's going to happen today is critical.

I put every bit of my back into this chair, slumping over in mental tiredness. My heart and minds feels heavy with burden of responsibility. A responsibility to keep millions of my people safe. Yet, there's no kind of safety which can be guaranteed in the face of a full on war. People will die, that much is obvious. What matters most is how it will affect our society in the long run. This will not only take away the present, but our future too.

President Dana

Agent C.

Agent C

Yes, Mister President.

President Dana

This reminds me of an event a few years back. People protesting the government for elderly care and government aided benefits. Did not think about it too much until I saw what kind of cruelty that Milium did to them.

Today was no different. No one in their right mind would think about this device. A shirt that can protect its wearer from bullets. That is ridiculous. But now, I must cash in on the consequences of being a leader.

You're dismissed, Agent C. You know what to do with that shirt. Go.

Agent C

Yes sir, we will find a way mass produce it as soon as possible.

Agent C promptly leave the wood office. Silence is the name of this game. I take a minute or two to think about what would be my next step. Reminds me of that pretty useful phrase I learnt in high school. Assess, Assemble, and Action.

Starts with assessing the situation. We are now crushed between a living hell, and a limbo. Milium obviously are hard at work trying to put up a massive factory for making this magical device. Yet killing off our peace treaty for an information that's not public yet will anger too many people. I need to approach this diplomatically, make some calls to get Milium talking. My other top priorities are to also limit the amount of island-killing mega bombs, by distracting them with a dialogue. Keep them talking, I need their hand off any kinds of weapon they have. I can't avoid it for too long, looking at the media and Milium's atrocities that was broadcasted not too long ago, the public expects me to do something about it. At the very least, with my mouth rather than my hand. The main topic must be to war, or not to war.

After that, I need to assemble a team of people from various backgrounds to deal with this upcoming battle. A commission of this country's best men and women. They could start by organizing a defense force that's specialized and accustomed to this new technology.

At the end, it's all about action. As a president, the only thing I need to do is to make calls, literally and figuratively.