I stepped outside of the station with the luggage strapped on my shoulder. These bags do feel heavy once you carry it for half an hour.

Once we're not in the shadow of any building, it's clear as day the day is clear as... day. Parmadita covers her eyes with the shade of her cartwheel hat. Even though the light of the sun does obscure my vision, it's somehow still feel cold around here, as if someone is activating the air conditioner, outside.

We could see from here, a long trail of road going to a castle like city. The walls around it tells us that it's quite fortified, but the building that protrude behinds it tells a different story. It looks quite modern, minimalists in fact.

On the side of the road, we could see a row of vehicle that's parked neatly. It looks small, big enough to fit four people, with no doors and glass windows. The roof and body work looks thin and painted white with an insignia on both side of it. It says, "Futatsukaku - Golf Cart".


Futatsukaku, that's a brand that I've not heard in a long time. What the hell is "golf"?


It's a game that my dad used to play on the big island in the south. Forgot where it was, but he sure had a hell of a good time playing it.

Basically, they gave you this tiny ball that you must hit when it's staying still on the ground. You hit it towards a little hole. The more you need to hit it, the less point you will get.


You sure seems enthusiastic about it.


You sure isn't.

We smiles at each other and put our luggage on the back of the cart. Once we're in it, I starts the machine up by turning the keys that's in the ignition. There's a two second long beep that follows. I checked if there's anything wrong with it but it seems that the only thing I need to do to make it move is to push the forward pedal.

As I pushes it, the cart refuses to move. I took off my feet from the pedal and looked at Parmadita for guidance. This technology is beyond my comprehension.


The gear is still in neutral.


Oh, right.

Then, we're off to the entrance of that modern fortress. While on the road, I could see Parmadita from my peripheral vision. She is hanging her head out from the cart to feel the breeze of the wind that goes past us. We could also see some herbivores that's basking on this clear day, they look absolutely relaxed.

Those peaceful animal is contrasted to the tyrannical and industrial land that's behind them. I should always remember that not even an hour from this place, there's a highly volatile nation that's ready to go to war with us. I gulped my build up saliva and turn my head towards the road again.

After several minutes of driving, we finally reached the checkpoint that's at the entrance of J-Mef. Two people is guarding it, with one of them readying their weapon once we enter their field of vision. Both guards are wearing a white uniform, mask, and a black long pants that covers their ankle. I could see one of them approaches us with his palm and arms opened, while screaming "Halt!".

I took my feet off the gas and starts to gradually pushes on the brake. It came into a full stop 5 meters in front of him. His eyes are smiling at me while he's walking to my side of the cart. His name tag is readable from this distance, and I could see that it reads "Mawang". Such a traditional name, I thought.

He opens up his mask, presenting me with a full smile, and asks me some questions.

Guard Mawang

Good Morning Mister and Missus Insan, Welcome to J-MEF. We've been waiting for your arrival. I reckon that you will be staying here for some time?

He looks at the back of our cart, which is full with our luggage.


Good morning to you too. Yes, we will be here for an quite some time, it's a long one you see. Are we on the right compound?

He responds with a giggle while looking around him.

Guard Mawang

Oh surely you jest. Of course you are on the right compound. It's the only facility in this barren area, as far as the eye can see.

Also, yes, please give me your passport, I need to process it first before letting you in.


Gladly, here you go.

He gives me a nod and goes back to his post, a building behind the other guard which is standing menacingly with his rifle. I could hear the chirping sound of walkie-talkie, seeping through the open window of that building. It seems like he's reporting our arrival to the person behind that radio.

The technology around this area seems a bit outdated by my standard. I mean, we could also use mana to power the latest long range communication device instead of that old junk. I wonder why they're doing that.

The guard is coming to us again, holding our passports in his hand, still with a smile visible through his mask. I reached out and received the passports, opening it up and looking at the things that he changes. There's nothing out of the ordinary. Just a very small stamp that includes where we are, the direction we're going (in or out of the compound), and the date and time.

The guard with a rifle pushes a button beside him that seems to open up the gate. A loud beep comes out of the speaker around the gate, as it automatically announces our presence throughout the facility. The gate says, with an audibly robotic feminine voice,

Automatic Gate Announcer

Welcome Mister and Missus "INSAN" to the Joint Mana Extraction Facility.

I rolled the cart down to a sub-facility called, "The Resource Center". The term "Resource" in this context points to all kinds of resources. Electricity, mana, water, money, and most importantly, human. I have been briefed to the whereabout of this sub-facility, but honestly, there's a bunch of helping road signs that will guide you to the correct building anyway.


We are here.

Unknown Voice

You sure are, sir. We have been waiting for your arrival, Mister and Missus Insan.

A voice unknown to me responds to my murmur. It's coming from a man that's waiting in front of the resource center. He doesn't have any name tag on his uniform, but we immediately know that he's the real deal.

The cart stops in front of the stair that is going into the building. Not the emergency stair that's small and could only fit two person at a time. Instead, it's a long, wide, stair that meant to make the facility bigger than what it actually is. Basically, it made us go up the stair not for utility, but aesthetic.

The gentleman that's waiting for us walks down the stair to our cart. He sticks out her hand, palm all forward, not too tense, but enough to make a shaking gesture. I grabbed his hand and responds.


Thank you for waiting for us. We should probably introduce ourself. My name is Lukman Insan, and beside me is my wife, Parmadita Insan.

Parmadita waves her hand gleefully as I introduce her. The man smiles back and replied with a nod.


My name is Kifah Amir, but most people here calls me Amir. I'm the current head of Human Resources in J-MEF and shall be the one that will assist you during the orientation phase. Please, come inside. I will handle the luggage.

I smiles and nod to Amir. Two of his assistant, both are women, comes out of the building in a rush to take my luggage out of the cart. I have no idea where they will take it, but there's nothing to worry about on my part.

There's a mana powered sensor that will send a notification into my gadget if someone decides to tamper with my bags. To avoid any suspicion if they decides to inspect my bag, I have decided to disguise that sensor as a plastic spoon. I bet no one will ever care about a plastic spoon.

Amir leads us towards the building, up stair into the second level. On the second level, I could see an open office area, filled with bean bags and coffee tables. It seems that they're going with the modern way of working, by making everyone see what everyone else is working on. To be quite honest, I'm kind of intrigued by it. But on the other hand, it must be a pain to browse the uninet leisurely when you're working.

Amir then guides us into a glass covered room, located at the edge of the building. It has that classic stickers that made everything from the feet up opaque and blurred. He then offer us a seat and begin to process us.


So, let me check your document inside of my laptop. Let us see here, it seems that all of the document is in order. Physical passport is checked, identity card, family registration card, and of course your curriculum vitae.

You are of course here with your wife and will be staying here for an undetermined amount of time, correct?




Ok then, it seems we will have no other issues regarding the administration. I've noticed here that you will work as a part of the team for Mana Management and Processing. That's one hell of a title, don't you think?

I smirked and replies.


I'm just here for the paycheck and experience sir.


Aren't we all?

It seems that you already knew what you're going to do here, so I'll only brief you with the bare minimum to save us some time, sounds good?


Alright, but I would not mind if you want to give me the full picture.


Oh please. I really want to go to the toilet, let me hurry this one up, I insist.

I could hear his legs shaking to repress his call from nature.


Now I will brief you about the accommodation from the company. You and your partner have a right to live in an apartment that's designated upon you by the time you're received in this facility. It will have, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room that doubles as a bedroom.

You're also entitled to meals that's given to you 3 times a day. There's also a restaurant for when you want to eat outside of those 3 times a day. They're serving this delicious chicken satay there, seriously.

Lastly, the orientation for your particular job description will starts exactly next week. Because you know, we do these activity in batches. This would means that you will get a week of free time where you could get to know the people around this area.

And that's it. Any other question? Good.


He stands up, gives us a nod, and run in a funny way, out of the room. I grabbed all of the paper that he gave to me and put it in a folder that's already prepared on the table. We walk out of the room with Amir being heard sprinting when he's out of our view. I guess he's just having a bad stomach today.


Wait, where's our apartment located? Do we even have the key to it?


That's a good question.

I guess our short term mission right now is to search for the employee housing building. In one of the documents, there's a map that could guide us right into our destination. But where's the fun in that?

Author's Note (click me!)

A chapter in one day? Now that's a record. Also, do you like that word play where Mitsu (three) bishi (rhombus) became Futatsu (two) kaku (square)?