After our meeting with Amir, we head outside to take a ride with our golf cart. I took her hand and walk away from the office, towards the exit. As we pass the door, we could not see our golf cart which was neatly tucked on the side of the road. Also, we don't have our luggage anymore.

It's unlikely that someone stole it, knowing that everyone should know everyone here. The small community feeling that's filling the atmosphere doesn't lie, and even a new residence like us felt it. It must be some sort of miscommunication on the part of the facility officers. I suppose we need to search for our belongings now.

They might also be doing this to every new members of the facility and scan their luggage for security measures. Thankfully none of us is bringing any contraband that would get us in trouble. Also, why would they do it twice, knowing that we have also gone pass the security as we got off the train?

There's a lot of question that I think should be answered, but there are pressing matter at hand. Right now, I have decided to search for the housing facility as our priority. I will be honest, I'm quite confused by the layout of the compound. Maybe this is just one of my weakness, remembering places. But that's okay, simply because I have a handy-dandy-magic-map-device that will always be beside me.


So, P, do you have any idea where the housing compound is?


I do, but I'm not going to tell you.


Why, did I do something bad to you?


No, you haven't done anything that would anger me. I'm just fulfilling your wish of an exciting adventure.

Besides, you did say that you want to make it "fun".

She is right, I did say that out loud, didn't I? This playful side of her that I'm seeing right now, that's new. I wonder what kind of things that this new relationship have in store for me. Whatever, I'll think about that later. We should walk around the place now to search for that housing building.

As I see the compound around me, I have noticed that it's "surprisingly lively". The park seems to be "lived in" but not crowded. I could find some people with lab coats combined with very relaxed attire, walking about on the pavement. Maybe this is just me, but I don't expect a join venture between nations to be this relaxed.

A building with furniture inside took my attention. It has this unique looks that differentiate itself with the other building. There's bright lamps hanging inside with glass works wrapping its front wall from left to right. I could see people interacting with each other inside, as if it's a restaurant.

There's a small wooden sign above it called "Sate Ayam Pak Budi". Sounds foreign to me but I guess I'm right to assume that this is a restaurant. Also, the name Budi sounds so traditional to me, it tickles my brain a bit to hear that name.

We decided to enter the restaurant and see what more could we find inside. Maybe we could ask where the nearest living quarters is located. Inside, there's several people with different attires, filling the couches, chairs, and tables around me. The smell is quite interesting, fruity, nutty with a hint of meat. A faint black smokes and a glints of fire comes out of the kitchen window, as if it's designed to make sure everyone see that very same smoke.

Parmadita decides to sit in and take a look at the menu. Meanwhile, I need to get some information by speaking to other people. I hope she's not ordering anything yet, because this restaurant visit should be a quick one.

On the counter near the back of the restaurant, a dark skinned man with a dirty apron but clean clothes stands expecting me to come to him. There's a name-tag plastered on his right chest that says "Buddy", complete with his own job title, "Satay Producer". Now I'm eager to ask the difference between a cook and a satay producer. But that must wait, for now I have a different things to ask.


Welcome to "Sate Ayam Pak Budi". How may I help you?

That accent that he's using. I've heard it somewhere near the border between our country and Milium. Maybe he's an immigrant, or perhaps a resident coming from Milium to work here? A native perhaps? Once again, I store those question to the back of my mind and ask an important question.


Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Lukman, I'm the new guy here.

I realize that that sound robotic and straight out of an elementary school books. But whatever, sometimes the basic is more than enough.


Oh you're a new guy, eh? You must be wondering where your housing building might be.


That's fairly accurate. Was it written that clearly on my face?


No, but a certain person messaged me from uninet. He said that a certain new couple in town is probably searching for their apartment right now.

My expression is relaxed and jolt a bit, knowing that I just happen to meet the exact person that I need to meet. Note, Amir and Buddy is good enough friends to exchange words through the net.


Huh, how about that. I hope that certain person is okay. It seems like he's got some bowel trouble. He cuts the introduction short and just ran out of the room.


Is that so? I bet it's because of what he drank a last night. That probably screw his balance up.

Oh, let me just get straight to the answer. The housing building, or as we sometimes call it, the apartment, It's basically around this corner. You should search for a place conveniently called "The Resting Place".

I nod and signal Parmadita to stand up and leave the restaurant. I could see a bit of a frown on her face. Must be disappointing to not order something that you just found out to look delicious. I promise myself that we will eat here again soon, at least to sate Parmadita curiosity for the food that's served here.


Thanks for the information, see you later.


Come back soon!

We smile and turn around to walk towards the exit door. I could feel the eyes of these men and women, piercing through the back of my neck. I have expected this reaction. After all, we are the "new couple in town" to them.

As we're walking outside, I could start seeing signs with an icon of a house. Although I did say that we could not get lost inside of this facility because of the street sign that's littered around the streets, somehow I missed the fact that there's a giant text on it that says "The Resting Place". That's quite uncharacteristic of me to miss that kind of obvious clue.

I wonder if there's a reason why I'm lacking some concentration since a minute or two ago. It's like, I'm gliding above the ground. I think I know the cause of this feeling. It might have something to do with something that I'm holding within my hand.

It's another hand. Warm, squishy, and feels silky smooth when I brushes against her nails. My gaze went up from our hands to her face. She's looking the other way, staring at a crowd of people playing chess and other board games in the park.

I guess my primitive brain isn't good enough to ignore the fact that I just got married. How many times I'm going to be in this state of euphoria, only time will tell. Although, with how smooth everything is going, I always wonder something in the favor of Parmadita.


Parma, I'm sorry to break your concentration here, but don't you think this feels odd?


Huh? What do you mean by "this"?

I move my hand and repeatedly point myself and her, as if referring into what's going on between us.


Do you mean this relationship?

A frown and a curious gaze is plastered on her face. It seems I'm the only one between us that feels awkward about this relationship. I turn my head around for a second, checking the perimeter to see if someone could hear us talking. For now, no one suspicious seems to be around us.


Yeah I'm talking about our relationship. I mean, don't you think that you'll feel awkward marrying me? I'm just a nobody to you after all.


You're not a nobody to me. We did talk for some time in the incinerator room right? We talk about the things that we like and we might not like, and you seems to be an alright guy.

Also, if this is supposed to be awkward for me, how about you? Don't you feel awkward marrying a "nobody" like me?

I can't argue with that. It is weird that I just accept the condition that I'm in right now. Sure, back then there was a consideration to not go through this. But somehow I just can't help to wander, why are we ok with this.

We have to hold our conversation because our destination is just up ahead. I can see our golf cart parked in front of the building. Our luggage, especially my bag, is still not there. I think I know what's happening here. The classic method of scanning people's belonging. By stealing it and saying that it's...

Security Guard

Oh I'm sorry sir, it must have been a miscommunication that we've had with Mr. Amir.

I knew it, they ran through my belongings without my consent. I suppose this is what to be expected when coming into a highly guarded facility. Parmadita smirked as she handle one of her bag on to her hips. She also know exactly what's going on and signal me into following her.

Based on the keys that we got as we arrive here, our room is located at the far back of the building. That's to be expected of course, we are new here and I'm sure most room that's near the exit is already used by the older member of the company.

The hallway that leads into that room is bright, surrounded by walls tinted with a green color, and clean floor as far as the eyes can see. It almost as if I'm walking inside of a hospital, with how hygienic everything is. Our keys are also designed carefully, making it usable even without it touching the locked doors. I think this is one of the first actual magic device that I have found functional in this area.

The key itself looks like a hard plastic card. It fits on the palm of your hand and would glow when it's near a lock. To use it, you only need to put it near the lock and I assume by proximity sensitive magic, it could detect the presence of the card, checks if its the right one, and then open itself. Of course all of this activity need power to work, and it all rests upon the mana of the lock itself.

The lock that's guarding our door is quite invisible. It's hidden behind the door handle, as if to not be touched by the wrong people. Once I put my key near the lock, a clicking sound can be heard. My card suddenly glows green, a sign that I'm using the right key for the right lock.

Parmadita opens the door and steps inside the room. As I peer in it, I could smell the fragrance of a newly cleaned room. It smells like nothing, with a hint of flowery floor cleaning product.

Although it seems to be such a friendly and inviting place, we need to remember that I'm here for a job. A job where the place where I'm working will always be considered as an enemy territory, no matter how good they might seem to be. This is the part where we clean up the room from hidden microphones, magical inscriptions that could record human activities, and other anti-espionage devices that we can find. The thing is, we don't have our usual kit because of the security that's in place. I guess this pendant will do. I still have no idea how to use it though. Usually you could just pour mana into it, but I don't think that's such a good idea. I don't even really know what this thing do. He did say that this is used for communication, but my intuition says that this could also be used as other than that.

Parmadita closes the door behind me as I go inside, cornered me to the wall, and put a finger in front of her lips. She's looking around and then grabs my pendant to kiss it. I don't really know how to react to this as I look at her with a very confused expression.

After she kisses it, Parmadita put the pendant closer to my mouth. She wants me to kiss it.


What the hell are we doing?


Just do it.


Ok, I did it. Now what you weirdo?

Parmadita stays silent and pour a bit of mana from her own mana container. As everybody, she keeps it strapped on her belt for ease of access. I also have it too, with a bigger capacity because it's also a part of my job to be ready at anytime to operate a magical device.

The pendant glows a white dim light and vibrates for a second. Parmadita looks around the room while staying in place. Her heads goes looking from one corner to the other, searching for something.

The vibration of the pendant slows down into a halt along side with the brightness of the light it emits. Parmadita looks at me then nods while pressing onto this magical device with her thumb.


Agent P reporting in, do you copy?

Womanly Voice

Ackno (Acknowledge), loud and clear.

Sitrep (Situation Report) Agent P.


Aya is that you?

Agent A

Yeah it is me.

They somehow assigned me here because I'm familiar with you. It was my fiance's idea to make sure you guys are doing alright. I hope Agent L is not leaving you alone there.


Don't worry I'm still here.

Agent A


You need to hear this right now because there are some update about the mission and situation. The objective will be the same, to investigate what's happening with the mana production rate. But there's another detail that you need to know about...

Author's Note (click me!)

I really hate macintosh, but man they know how to create a comfortable to use User Experience. Gnome, KDE, or anyone, please up your game.

By the way, did you now that the name Kifah (struggle) and Amir (prince) is created by a random name generator?