How's it going, my name is Tengku Izdihar and welcome to my blog. I'm a programmer currently studying at a certain college in Indonesia. You can contact me by email, matrix, gitlab, and github. Information about those can be accessed by pressing "contact" up above in the top bar.
As a programmer I'm proficient in popular programming languages especially for web development and would love to work on mission critical and or desktop-centric applications. Below are the short summary of what I'm comfortable with as of 2020.
Programming Proficiency
Before reading, may I remind you that I'm eager to learn new things and are not shy on saying what I do know and what I don't know. Please understand that I'm not an omnipotent being yet trying to be the better programmer/developer than my yesterday self.
Below are listed the languages that I'm comfortable with.
- Java
- Python 3
- Rust
- TypeScript
Below are the databases that I'm comfortable with.
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
Below are the notable frameworks that I have experience with.
- Django
- ReactJS
- SpringBoot
- Rocket
- Yes It Is (YII)
- Kafka
- Godot Engine
- and more...